The Heart of This Green Beret


Memoirs and lessons from a life in uniform. Richard Towns shares lessons that he learned throughout his career as a Green Beret paired with biblical quotes.

This book is intended to serve as an inspirational guide.


Praise for The Heart of This Green Beret

“Richard has a unique way of drawing the reader into the story with his riveting details and timeline. I was amazed with the level of preparation these battling heroes put into even the most mundane assignments. His ‘matter of fact’ approach to describing how a paratrooper blacked out a town added a bit of dry humor.
As an educator, I often look for the ‘lessons’ found within military training. My students could benefit from thoughtful lessons about preparation, patience, and completion of the Mission. I recommend this book for those in a leadership position looking for best practices for staff training and development.”
– Thom Greenlaw, Creative Independents
“Great read! Amazing how even everyday occurrences offer the opportunity to practice beatitudes! The author modestly expresses himself while joyfully meeting Jesus everywhere.”
– Robert Kearns
“I am not under the delusion as to the risks involved in the difficulty of all operations, I was a Jump Master and a Path Finder. Success is always in the balance. We shall require all the help that God can give to men like Richard Towns. A good man, a friend, a buddy and a Green Beret Special Forces. He understood the battle was fraught with peril and his confidence that God was with him and God was blessing his cause. I loved what I read about his book. A good heart, a great man. The men and I prayed ‘Please let me do everything right. Don’t let me get anyone killed and please be with God.’”
– 1st Sgt Mike Conley, Retired Ranger and Green Beret
